Wykeham Primary News: by year 6 reporters

On Friday afternoon, children from Year 6 became roving reporters, visiting all the classes in the school to gather stories of children's learning from all the years in the school. They wrote reports and took photos. Here is what they found:


  In F2B Madison and Oliver Have being working on dear zoo writing independant asking for a pet.

Dylan made a very creative junk model limo and when we spoke to him he said,"I am very proud of my creation." We know he had worked really hard on this. It was a very good model.

In F2R Gracie made a creative picture of her friend and now this picture is on the wall.The class has also written a letter thanking Colchester Zoo.

Both classes have been doing some independent writing about the Gruffalo.

 Year 1

 In 1R Jerry, Shannon and Gemma were all enjoying playing in their miniature garden and Mambir was also watering and nursing some real plants in pots, that were only three weeks old!

1B had been working hard all week and have produced some fantastic work. They were designing monsters which looked fantastic! Also Nathan and Warren produced some lovely writing.

Keep up the good work!
By Thomas, Ryan and Jack R

 Year 2

 In year 2 they were learning about Neil Armstrong and they had to make a rocket model. Also we took a picture of a drawing of Joseph and his coat of many colours that they had completed as part of their RE work. 
By Raigan, Mahpara and Aminah.

 Year 3

 3R have been writing and drawing posters persuading people to join the Roman army.

They have also been making puppets in DT that look very good.
By Bobby and Tommy

 Year 4

  Year 4 have been busy learning about Australia and Uluru (also known as Aires Rock, an exciting landmark). They have been persuading people not to climb it due to the fact it is wasting away. On the other hand, some are for climbing the landmark and in SEAL they have been talking about relationships.

Max said, "I wrote an explanation about changing water into and ice into water and then into steam. I liked doing the experiments."

James said, "I wrote an explanation on changing state. I enjoyed working on it."

Gemma said, "I coloured in the world showing the 7 continents. I then wrote a key. I enjoyed doing it."

Olivia said, "We read a story called 'The Silver Swan' and wrote a story based on it. It was fun."

  Year 5

 In 5B, they were drawing greek pictures that were on the side of a pot. Then, they were writing a caption underneath. Mr Sellick said "We were looking at scenes showed in pots from ancient Greece."

In 5R, they were writng about the lifecycle of the butterfly. Some of them are drawing the lifecycle. Mrs Ribbons said, "They are doing very imaginative work about the cycle of a 
By Natasha and Ellie