STRIKE! Year 6 go Bowling!

Year 6 had a fun time yesterday. They were lucky enough to have a treat after their SATs the previous week and went bowling.

One class went in the morning and one in the afternoon. The children all enjoyed themselves! 

They arranged themselves into teams of between 5 and 7.They quickly found the bowling balls which felt the most comfortable in weight and the sizes of the finger holes. Most children bowled without the crib but all used the gulley frame to give them a better chance of knocking the bowling pins down.
There were several strikes where all 10 “pins” were knocked down- brilliant!!  Some children took 2 goes to knock all the skittles down and score a” spare” whilst others did manage some but not all. Even if not all skittles were knocked down, the children were very supportive of each other and cheered each other on.

The highest score was over 100!!! Everyone had a fun time; we took lots of pictures as a record of a good time.  

Please see the gallery page for more pictures.